Beyond the Spine: How Chiropractors Utilise Trigger Point and Deep Tissue Therapy for Effective Injury Treatment

In the realm of chiropractic care, the focus extends far beyond spinal adjustments. Chiropractors employ a diverse array of techniques to address musculoskeletal issues, including the strategic use of trigger points and deep tissue therapy. These methods are pivotal in treating injuries and alleviating pain, offering a comprehensive approach that targets the root causes of discomfort. By understanding and manipulating trigger points—those tight, painful knots within muscle tissue—and utilising deep tissue therapy to break up adhesions and restore muscle flexibility, chiropractors can significantly enhance a patient’s mobility and overall well-being. This article delves into how these therapies work in tandem with chiropractic care to provide effective, holistic injury treatment.

Deep Tissue Therapy

The spinal cord relays information from the brain to every part of your body. If this system is disrupted, it may cause pain and prevent you from moving your body in the way you want to. Chiropractors perform specific spinal adjustments to restore motion and alignment in your spine.

Trigger points, or knots, are tight areas that form within muscle tissue and cause local pain. They can be formed from injury, inflammation, emotional or physical stress, poor posture, or overuse. These hyper-sensitive spots often radiate pain to other parts of the body, which is known as referred pain.

When a trigger point forms, it interrupts the normal pattern of muscle contraction, causing weakness, imbalance, and increased risk of injury. Chiropractic trigger point therapy releases tension in these muscles and connective tissues, allowing the natural movement of muscle contraction to resume. This will reduce your pain and improve your overall musculoskeletal health. This includes corrective exercises, postural education and lifestyle modifications to help prevent the formation of trigger points.

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Myofascial Release

During myofascial release sessions, the provider will locate areas of fascial tissue that feel stiff or tight. These areas are called trigger points and can cause radiating pain, numbness or tingling that can be felt with a flat hand. These pains can often be relayed from other parts of the body through neural pathways, a phenomenon called referred pain.

Using soft tissue manipulation, the practitioner will apply gentle pressure to these knotted areas until the tension and adhesions within are broken up. This will allow the muscle to lengthen, increase its flexibility, and promote blood flow to help prevent future restrictions.

A lot of pain is caused by dysfunctional muscles and their connections. Trigger points develop when the muscles do not fully relax causing the muscles to bunch up and stick together, creating ‘knots’. The problem with these trigger points is that they can create a straightjacket of pain that limits movement in the muscles and the spine. Medications and other forms of treatment may alleviate the symptoms but fail to address the root cause, hence they only provide temporary relief.


Each muscle in your body consists of bundles of muscle fibers that are encased in a web of collagen called fascia. When a muscle becomes taut it can develop trigger points, which are hypersensitive areas of the muscle and fascia that restrict blood flow and cause pain. These knots of contracted tissue can restrict a muscle from moving properly, leading to a cycle of pain and limited movement.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice of inserting very thin needles into specific points on the body for effective injury treatment. Acupuncture is an essential part of the myofascial release therapy that chiropractors use to break up the deep adhesions associated with trigger points.

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Acupuncture and myofascial release work well together to relieve trigger point pain, allowing your spine to function at its best. Your chiropractor will also prescribe at-home muscle strengthening exercises and postural education to help you avoid the recurrence of these painful tight spots. A high level of patient understanding and acceptance is key to successfully integrating these treatments.

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a safe, effective and surprisingly quick treatment for muscle pain. Often patients who receive this technique experience decreased pain and discomfort from trigger points, improved range of motion in the affected area, and an overall sense of well-being.

Trigger points are areas of muscle that become highly tense, creating tight knots in the muscle. These knots are painful and can refer pain to other areas of the body through neural pathways. Conventional treatments for these tense muscles may include heat, massage, or the use of tennis balls to apply pressure on the knotted muscle. While these techniques can improve blood flow and relieve some of the pain, they don’t address the root cause of the problem.

Chiropractors use a combination of adjustments, corrective exercises and education on posture to fix the underlying issues that can lead to myofascial problems that produce trigger points. This combination is the fastest way to stop recurring pain and tension.

Holistic Pain Relief

The integration of trigger point and deep tissue therapy with traditional spinal adjustments done by Chiro Dandenong North offers a multifaceted approach to injury treatment and pain relief. By addressing the underlying muscular issues that contribute to pain and dysfunction, these therapies help restore normal muscle function, enhance mobility, and prevent future injuries. This comprehensive approach not only alleviates pain but also promotes long-term musculoskeletal health, empowering patients to lead more active and pain-free lives. As chiropractic care continues to evolve, the use of these advanced techniques underscores the commitment to providing holistic and effective treatment solutions for a wide range of conditions.