Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk

stretches at desk

Stretching is something that needs to be done during the day. But when you are sitting at your desk all day, chances are that you are too glued to your computer screen. You may not realize it, but sitting at your desk for hours on end is going to shorten your days span. So in order to prevent this from happening, here are some stretches you can do at your desk.

When sitting at your desk, make sure that your shoulders stay straight. This will keep your back straight and your shoulders at ease. If you have to lean back, then do it in small increments. Remember to try to avoid slouching while sitting. This is because when your body sloughs, the spine will have a chance to get stiff.

When sitting at your desk, you can also try making use of the pelvic tilt device. This is an ergonomic tool that keeps your lower back in line with your chest. Make sure that you keep your feet flat on the floor when using this. It’s important that you don’t rest your legs on the desk.

Some other good stretches that you can do while sitting at your desk include pelvic tilt, wall tilting, pushing through the low back and twisting the shoulders. Sit upright with your hands at your sides and make sure that your shoulders do not sway back and forth. Keep your eyes directly over the button if you are working on a computer. You can also put one hand behind your head and rest the other hand on your chin.

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To stretch out your arms, you can stand with your feet flat on the floor and stretch them out as far as they will go. Then, stand up and put one arm behind your back and hold onto the opposite elbow. Keep your other arm straight out in front of you and stretch your torso forward as far as it will go. You can do these stretches anywhere at your desk or even while watching TV.

If you find it difficult to sit properly at your desk, you can do several other standing poses such as the tree trunk pose or the fish, egg and spoon. You can also sit on the edge of your bed and cross your legs and stand up with your feet apart. Stretch your legs out as far as they will go and stand up. Repeat this several times for each side of your body.

You should always stretch your back whenever sitting at your desk. The key is to not tighten your back and keep it as loose as possible. Other good stretches include shoulder blades touching, having your shoulders back and then turning your neck clockwise, arching your back, having your shoulders back and then twisting your neck clockwise, lifting your arms overhead and twisting your arms in clockwise circles.

As you begin to feel better, you can begin to increase the number of repetitions of each stretch. You should alternate weeks from thirty to sixty seconds of each stretch. Make sure you don’t forget to stretch your feet flat if you are sitting at your desk for long periods of time. This will help you maintain proper circulation. Stretching every day will make your muscles stronger and reduce your risk of developing lower back problems or osteoporosis.

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Next, you want to know the proper technique for a seated forward bend. To do this stretch, have your hands right next to your hips. Keep your back straight. Now, with your hands in front of your hips, extend your legs and sit up straight. Hold that pose for 10 to 30 seconds.

For a chest stretch, you need to have a chair that is comfortable. Stand in front of the chair with your arms at your sides. Then, twist your torso so that your shoulders are facing the wall. You must breathe deeply and relax. Repeat on the other side. You can do this stretches anytime you are sitting at your desk.

These are just a few stretches that you can do at your desk. When you do these stretches on a consistent basis, you will notice an improvement in your overall flexibility. You will be able to do more things at work and you will be more productive. Remember that it is important to stretch before and after every activity. Do it before heading off to bed and do it before you sit down to work.